The Cambridge Weekly – 5th June 2023

Markets take good news in their stride Last week, we noted how the absence of specifically good news meant markets reacted more negatively than expected to the relatively low probability of a US debt default. We pointed out that the more notable event of the week had...

The Cambridge Weekly – 30th May 2023

Debt ceiling angst or simply lack of good news? Compared to the previous week, markets did not really get much ‘new’ news to digest, and yet last week brought a renewed bout of equity market volatility. Given bond yields experienced even larger moves (up), ...

The Cambridge Weekly – 22nd May 2023

Big tech stocks increase is ‘artificial’ Last week we wrote that markets were facing growing risks. Since then, and at the time of writing, equity markets have generally headed higher. Japan has been enjoying a particularly good run with the Nikkei 225...

The Cambridge Weekly – 15th May 2023

Trust the MPC to rain on May’s parade After a period where it felt like there was a shortage of news, things are hotting up. Both equity and bond markets are bearing up well generally but, in our estimation, underlying risks have increased since May started. After the...

The Cambridge Weekly – 9th May 2023

A small predicament Last week’s investor focus was dominated by May’s central bank rate decisions, with the weaker spots in US (regional bank) markets continuing to rumble just beneath the surface. Australia’s Reserve Bank made the start on Tuesday, surprising most...