The Cambridge Weekly – 11th April 2023

Spring of hope following winter of doom? This year began in anticipation of imminent global recession, but imminent did not mean immediate, and as the second quarter gets under way, the chances of a global recession may be less now than they were. The chart below is...

The Cambridge Weekly – 3rd April 2023

Markets put bank stress behind, but challenges remain The first quarter of 2023 is now behind us, and while March ran the whole gamut of emotions for investors,we end the month (and quarter) on a fairly positive and quiet note. For the average UK investor who holds...

The Cambridge Weekly – 27th March 2023

Swiss parochialism backfires March continues to provide investors with the opposite of the ‘steady-as-she-goes’ environment of January and February. News last week of consumer price inflation in the UK rising again, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) and the Bank of England...

The Cambridge Weekly – 20th March 2023

Bank stress testing – live Unease about the state of markets had been palpable since more or less the beginning of the year, as noted repeatedly on these pages over the past months. Following the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) last week, financial system fear...