The Cambridge Weekly – 4 April 2022

Yield curve inversion – no April fool It is the beginning of April, but after living through the events of this quarter, few seem in the mood for the usual April fools’ jokes. While UK consumers braced themselves for a surge in their cost of living – as the UK’s...

The Cambridge Weekly – 28 March 2022

Better news is not always good news Another good week for global equities, but a poor one for global bonds. Of course, that hides some disparity in the subsections that make up both markets. In the broadest sense, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) said interest rates will...

The Cambridge Weekly – 21 March 2022

Changing tides Last week we reminded portfolio investors of the importance of making sure that long-term investment decision-making is not overly influenced by short-term market fluctuations. Here at Cambridge, we aim to ensure portfolios remain positioned...

The Cambridge Weekly – 14 March 2022

Positioning for the energy price shock Global capital markets continued their wild ride last week, as market participants struggled to gauge by how much would Putin’s barbaric war on Ukraine dismantle their 2022 outlook for the global economy. Wild equity market...