The Cambridge Weekly – 7 March 2022

  A double edged sword During the course of the past week, the impacts of the war on global financial assets changed in nature. Last week, we wrote that minor sanctions were a help for asset prices even if the sanctions did not match the level of outrage. The...

The Cambridge Weekly – 28 February 2022

Back to the past As noted in our update on Friday, the global political theatre that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine brought about marks a paradigm shift that must not be underestimated, and is probably as defining as the opening up of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev in...

The Cambridge Weekly – 21 February 2022

Investors anxious for storms to blow over Another turbulent week in global stock markets on the back of little in terms of new news, but plenty of speculation of what may lie ahead. At the end of last week, real storms disrupted our lives while markets continue to...

The Cambridge Weekly – 14 February 2022

Investment climate change Stock markets around the world continued their volatile trading pattern over the past week, although compared with January, trending slightly up rather than down. Bond markets, on the other hand, continued to retreat as yields continued to...