The Cambridge Weekly – 13 December 2021

The Plan B or not Plan B? That is the question Equity markets bounced strongly on Tuesday. The catalyst was a flip in the coronavirus narrative that went: “the new variant is as contagious as the very first, but much less damaging. It confers some immunity. Triple...

The Cambridge Weekly – 6 December 2021

The pre-Christmas ‘quiz’ that not many want to play As the end of the investing year draws nearer, markets remain on edge, questioning everything that it thought it knew the answers to only very recently. But last week, central bank and government policy, inflation...

The Cambridge Weekly – 29 November 2021

New COVID variant flattens ‘Black Friday’ feeling It was a Thanksgiving week of mixed news. The European COVID case surge was surpassed in negative impact by the fears of a new variant emanating from South Africa. US markets hit new highs just before the holiday, but...

The Cambridge Weekly – 22 November 2021

Dollar strength and divergence caps a dull week for investors Despite the negative news flow, be it COVID or politics, UK consumers are proving their resilience once again, with both October retail demand and domestic consumer sentiment pointing up. Perhaps the...