The Cambridge Weekly – 15 November 2021

Central banks struggle with messaging Following five weeks of global equity markets inching higher every week, risk asset markets slowed even though, for once, economic data was actually offering reasons to believe that the worst of supply chain constraints may be...

The Cambridge Weekly – 8 November 2021

No tantrum over this taper October’s positivity across global stock markets spilled over into the first week of November. That is with the exception of China, which appears to be increasingly isolating itself from the rest of the world. Not only was its leader very...

The Cambridge Weekly – 1 November 2021

Bond markets give central bankers a telling off Last week was generally positive for capital markets, although with one notable difference – this time bond investors were allowed to join in. Just as energy prices started stabilising, corporate earnings results proved...

The Cambridge Weekly – 25th October 2021

Confused or determined central bankers? Capital markets continued over the past week to recover just as gradually from the September/early October downdraft as they declined then. Many commentators put it down to the continued strong Q3 corporate earnings...

The Cambridge Weekly – 18th October 2021

Have we passed the peak of supply disruption? Last week we noted that October had picked up for investors where September had left off, namely equities slowly climbing down from the heights gained over the summer. As petrol availability returned even to London’s...