The Cambridge Weekly – 8th March 2021

Stock markets are finding they cannot have it both ways Another week of bond market price falls has pushed ten-year government bond yields upwards everywhere except Japan. The US ten-year yield experienced the biggest rise of the developed world, up almost 20 basis...

The Cambridge Weekly – 1st March 2021

Earnings look set to stabilise wobbling markets Last year, equity markets started to wobble around this time. For example, on 19 February 2020, the NASDAQ 100 closed at an all-time high of 9718.73 before sliding back as the far-reaching implications of the pandemic...

The Cambridge Weekly – 22nd February 2021

One year on – who would have thought One year ago, on 19th February 2020, stock markets hit their pre-pandemic high. Over the five weeks that followed, markets plunged in the most extreme global market crash ever known, as the world accepted that COVID-19 was a threat...

The Cambridge Weekly – 15th February 2021

No UK double dip, but much talk of bubbles ‘Worst recession in 300 years’ was how UK media framed Friday’s release of UK GDP growth data for the last quarter of 2020. They were also quick to point out that the -9.9% full-year number was far worse than any other major...