Waiting for the vaccine dividend

In this investment update, Lothar Mentel, Cambridge’s Lead Investment Adviser, discusses January’s populist action and Cambridge’s positioning to take advantage of the vaccine dividend during 2021. 

The Cambridge Weekly – 8th February 2021

Calming of nerves After January’s misbehaviour – everything from riotous insurrection at the US Capitol to rebellious share speculation – February began with a more predictable return to normality. The share price of now internationally famous US video game store...

Cambridge Weekly – 1st February 2021

A fraying of nerves In the middle stages of the pandemic, when things had the potential for going very, very badly, there was a sense of global solidarity and unity among people and politicians. Maybe China received opprobrium – it was certainly demonised by many in...

Cambridge Weekly – 25th January 2021

Sigh of relief As Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States last Wednesday, a collective sigh of relief, at the return of civility, decency and a genuine interest in the wellbeing of all citizens, could be felt around the world. Perhaps not...