Cambridge Weekly – 14th December 2020

A high stakes game of principle chicken This week’s edition was meant to focus on our annual outlook for the coming year, while working under the assumption that the UK and Europe would by now be operating under a ‘skinny’ trade deal that would prevent tariff hurdles...

Cambridge Weekly -30th November 2020

Fiscal floundering During a week when global stock markets continued their more gradual upwards trend, government policy was in full focus, but offered little in support. For the UK, it looks like ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’ when official lockdown ends on...

Cambridge Weekly -23rd November 2020

More tunnel before the light The November rally in stock markets finally petered out last week as it felt as if ‘November finally got the memo about 2020’. This was despite further positive vaccine news that bolstered optimism for next year. Last Monday, US firm...