Cambridge Weekly -16th November 2020

Change is in the air.    Investors have enjoyed another very good week. Optimism had already returned the previous week, with the US election eventually delivering a clear verdict. Last week then brought the news that literally everybody had been waiting and hoping...

Cambridge Weekly – 9th November 2020

Looking beyond the obvious We wrote only last week that markets hate uncertainty. Given that equity, bond and commodity markets were all quite a lot stronger at the end of the week, many investors must have gained clarity, if not optimism. There are a lot of important...

Cambridge Weekly – 2nd November 2020

Unsettled week ahead – or behind? In the first article of The Cambridge Weekly we normally discuss the relevance of the weekly news flow for the development of our longer-term picture for our investors. Usually, our conclusion is that the noises of the week need to be...

Cambridge Weekly – 26th October 2020

Sunlit uplands or COVID gorge? Halloween is around the corner and markets had plenty to frighten them last week. Across Europe, the second wave of infections has risen higher than the first. While new lockdown measures are less stringent this time (schools and...