Cambridge Weekly – 19th October 2020

Watching and waiting A noticeable winter chill is in the air. The threat of fresh lockdown measures has become reality, with renewed restrictions coming into force not just in the UK, but across most of continental Europe as well. But unfortunately, the UK – once...

Cambridge Weekly – 12th October 2020

Baffling market optimism Following the unsteadiness of September, markets have further regained their composure and continue to drift upwards. This stands in stark contrast to the flow of bad news. The White House, centre of power for the mighty US, has become a COVID...

Cambridge Weekly – 5th October 2020

The Cambridge Weekly Update   A question of time horizons A US presidential debate that nobody would want to watch twice was followed by reports that COVID reality has finally caught up with a US president who insists that only he can determine what is real and...