The Cambridge Weekly – 26th May 2020

Big trouble in big China Over the past week, it felt as if the new normal of enforced idleness paired with less stringent lockdown rules and summer weather would lead to a happier mood across Western Europe, including the UK. The same applied for investors, whose...

Cambridge Video Update – 22nd May 2020

Stock markets rise as economies fall – is that sustainable?  The market recovery that began in late March has metamorphosed from a bear market rally into a full blown bull market, while week to week, investment market valuations have ridden the rollercoaster of...

The Cambridge Weekly – 18th May 2020

US-China Cold war: Threat or blessing? Halfway through May and stock markets have continued to deviate markedly from the classic bear market pattern described in “The anatomy of a bear market” in The Cambridge Weekly of 30 March (see graph on next page). What looked...

Cambridge Video Update – 15th May 2020

Cambridge Investments Video Update – Question and Answer Session Thank you to everyone who has contacted us in response to the recent series of video updates. I am pleased to report that the feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive and much...

The Cambridge Weekly – 11th May 2020

Phase II kick-off – from staying home to staying safe Last week was a short week for most regions. Friday’s VE day holiday here in the UK was labelled “Victory in Europe” in 1945 and marked the huge victory against the forces of tyranny and isolating nationalism. We...