The Cambridge Weekly – 9th March 2020

Coronavirus market update – ramping up countermeasures can be scary Since our last update a week ago, market dynamics have developed very much along the lines we outlined as our expectation. The US Federal Reserve has taken the lead and lowered US interest rates by...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 26th February 2020

COVID-19 and the reaction of markets to pandemic fears Global equity markets have taken a significant hit this week, as investors started to take news of COVID19 spreading beyond China to the rest of the world more seriously. We thought it would be a good time to...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 24th February 2020

Bubble trouble Compared to last week, there have been few changes to the big picture narrative: Thanks to the virus containment efforts enacted by its government, China’s labour force is only now slowly returning to work following an unusually extended Lunar New Year...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 17th February 2020

V-shaped recovery focus for Valentine While investors enjoyed another upbeat week, the world’s medical profession (and the wider public at large) remained in a more troubled state, with concerns increasing after the World Health Organisation officially renamed this...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 10th February 2020

Virus week – not in stock markets January is behind us and what a year it’s already been. Investors have been bounced around from WWIII fears between the US and Iran, the formal Impeachment of the US president and the prospect of a global virus pandemic. Against this...