Cambridge Weekly Update – 3rd February 2020

Headwinds and tailwinds The events of the past few weeks have left some investors wondering whether we are witnessing a rapid deterioration of the erstwhile ‘fair to potentially better than expected’ 2020 outlook. In light of the Chinese Corona virus threat to all...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 27th January 2020

Consolidation ahead? The quiet period of Christmas and New Year has definitely ended. Davos World Economic Forum, Chinese Coronavirus, Q4 earnings season, central bank deliberations, first batch of 2020 business sentiment figures and – you guessed it – the next steps...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 20th January 2020

All central bank liquidity or improved outlook too? Following the brief wobble after the escalation in tensions between the US and Iran, the risk appetite that drove the substantial stock market rally towards the end of last year has returned. With yet another good...

Cambridge Weekly Update – 13th January 2020

So far so good Compared to last week’s ‘brink-of-war’ geopolitical shock start to the year over the US-Iran tensions, this week has brought relatively positive economic news, with not much to upset global markets, even if the general news flow was tragic from a...