Cambridge Weekly – 24 September 2018

Brexit clamour vs. real market news The UK’s establishment had pinned high hopes on a Brexit breakthrough at the EU’s Salzburg (non-Brexit specific) summit. But the rest of the EU had a different agenda, so disappointment was inevitable. Judging by the vastly...

Cambridge Weekly – 14th September 2018

Financial crisis – 10 years on It was 10 years ago this week that US investment bank Lehman Brothers was allowed to default. This event marked the beginning of the ultimate escalation from a severe credit crunch to a full blown global financial sector meltdown. The...

Earnings are growing, why worry?

Chris Swanepoel, our estimable head of AIM investments, says that he doesn’t know anybody who has stopped doing their weekly shopping because of Brexit or Donald Trump.His job is to invest in companies and a lot of them are doing better than OK.Companies across the...

It is getting hot

It was a week with two faces – strong economic data across the developed world on the one side and disruptive political rhetoric on the other. Donald Trump’s administration imposed tariffs of 25% on $34 billion worth of Chinese imports and China retaliated in kind. At...