by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
Happy 10th birthday, choppy bull market Frustrating political divisions have drowned out the 10th anniversary of what many have called the most unloved equity bull market in history. Broad based equity market investors (those who held their nerve) have enjoyed...
by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
29 March 2019 – quarter end The vexed date has come and gone, as we had suggested, but not quite in the manner we had expected. While the population widely blames Parliament and the political class in general for the Brexit execution debacle, MPs are just as divided...
by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
Brinkmanship and extensions Every few months, I spend a few days of the week travelling across the UK with Cambridge’s relationship management team updating regional gatherings of financial advisers. This time around, it was not surprising to find most of the...
by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
Bits & pieces The febrile state of UK politics and its journalists might get you thinking that the UK markets were expiring as fast as the Brexit deadline. Certainly, there’s been a bit of to-ing and fro-ing in the currency market although the moves were miniscule...
by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
ECB stimulus U-turn leaves markets unimpressed Last week, we wrote about the impressive 25% market recovery the Chinese stock market had witnessed since the beginning of the year. This week, the Chinese leadership demonstrated that it dislikes stock market exuberance...
by Charles Penn | Apr 23, 2019 | News
£-Sterling ‘applauds’ prospect of Brexit delay The last week of February was void of significant economic or monetary market drivers, which left global investors to observe the political news-flow. The US President and UK’s Theresa May were therefore quickly...