The Cambridge Weekly –4th March 2024

Winners and losers of stabilising yields We ended February and started March with a week of positive price action in equities, although the US mega-caps did less well generally, while bond markets were rather stable. Indeed, we think stable bond markets – pretty much...

The Cambridge Weekly –26th February 2024

M&A activity sets growth against value Equities have moved higher again this past week, with gains made across global markets. Even China put in another week of positive returns, following the largest ever cut to the five-year housing loan prime rate (admittedly...

The Cambridge Weekly – 19th February 2024

UK not growing really, not growing nominally As regular readers will know, we tend not to comment on UK matters as much as some, partly because the investment portfolios we manage for UK clients are quite globally focused. But the UK as our home is important to us and...

The Cambridge Weekly –8th January 2024

After the party, the hangover The first week of January feeling was eerily reminiscent of one year ago: strikes, endless rain and then everything else that causes the usual January blues. Yet investors in diversified global investment portfolios will get a positive...

The Cambridge Weekly – 18th December 2023

Central bank elves boost 2023 Santa rally This edition of the Cambridge Weekly presents our outlook for 2024, which we compiled over the past two weeks. Inevitably, much of what we write depends on the starting point and this past week has moved that starting point...

The Cambridge Weekly – 1th December 2023

A bit of a downer We review November’s cheery asset performance below. Early December is also currently on a positive track and trading volumes have been higher than November’s averages generally, suggesting quite a bit of capital is being put to work by investors....

The Cambridge Weekly – 4th December 2023

Price shock reversal November brought investors the opposite of October and turned most portfolio returns into positive mid single-digit numbers for the year. As we have written here over the past weeks, the distinct turn in sentiment that drove markets in November...

The Cambridge Weekly –27th November 2023

US economy slows to our pace November remains a positive month in capital markets, although equities had a neutral week and longer bond prices have fallen back. UK government bonds (Gilts) have been the best performing bond market in the past few weeks, but the tax...

The Cambridge Weekly –20th November 2023

Inflation genie back in the bottle? Last week was another good one for most investors. In sterling terms, the strongest equity markets were in Europe with the DAX up 4.5% since last Friday afternoon. The biggest winners have been small and mid-sized firms; the UK...

The Cambridge Weekly –13th November 2023

Back pedalling central bankers The turnaround rally in stock and bond markets – started by the previous week’s dovish central bank comments – petered out towards the end of last week, with central bankers seemingly at pains to reverse their messaging, or at least...